First cape ever....
At last it was time to finish off the cape I have been working on for a long time - as always I have several projects running at the same time, and I admit to enjoying the start more than the finish. Since I usually buy fabric when I find good quality for a good price that doesn't really matter though.
The fabric for this cape I found in Bern and Zurich...both of the pieces were on sale, about 1.2 metres each and bought with months in between - the first piece when I lived in Bern, and when I then moved to Winterthur and visited the fabric shop in Zurich (the same chain - modesa ) I found the second piece - so now I had enough to do what I wanted. What I wanted turned out to be a cape - I have never had one so it will be interesting to see how I like it.
I choose a simple model that I found in Burda - somewhat later I found an even better pattern, but I guess that will be for the next one...
The buttons I used were brougth back to Switzerland from the very nice button shop in Boston that I wrote about earlier - Windsor button. It is not the first time I use this kind of buttons of course but I did like the size - and these were not even the biggest ones.
I have to pull this one over my head, luckily my hair is short so I can not really ruin it....
Finns det inte några hål för händerna att komma fram i. Tycker det kan bli lite besvärligt när man ska handla etc.
Den är öppen framtill så det ska nog gå bra :-)
Har hittat ett ännu bättre cape mönster, men jag får vänta ett tag med att göra den - har lite annat att sy innan dess.
Nu har jag hittat din sida här och den här capen är väldigt mycket du, som jag minns dig. Lycka till med alla dina projekt. Looking good!
Hej Ingela - vad kul att du har hittat hit :-)
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